Covaris has vast experience in undertaking Physical Asset Audit, Asset Register Development, Asset Validation and LCC analysis. Covaris utilises mobility software and tools to streamline the Physical Asset Audit Process as well as providing added data benefits like GPS, barcode scanning, Near Field (RFID) scanning and high-resolution photos attached to the asset record. This solution has been used for many Asset Register and Audit projects in different industrial and public sectors.

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Your Forms Automatically Become Robust Data Entry Screens in Our User Friendly Mobile Application

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Importance of the Asset Register
Having confidence in the accuracy of your asset register is a key asset management principle. It allows for accurate modelling asset lifecycle costs to be undertaken. Covaris Forms is a mobility solution available on Android and IOS that enables the efficient collection of asset data that is then used to develop asset registers. Covaris Forms does away with the traditional paper based asset validation and allows users to capture assets without an active internet connection.
Covaris recommends that every five years a physical validation of the asset register is conducted. The continuous cycle of new asset being installed and old assets being decommissioned inevitably leads to inaccuracies in asset registers.
How Covaris Forms Can Help You
Covaris Forms allows for existing assets to identified and any gaps in their asset data (manufacturer, model number, serial number, etc.) to be captured or updated. It also allows for new assets to be created and their asset data collected. Covaris is also able to assist with the development of asset data capture and condition assessment standards that will ensure standardisation.
Ease of Use
Covaris Forms enables assets to be tagged using barcodes, QR codes or NFC technology provided by a third party. The App also allows for the asset’s GPS location to be collected, along with high quality photos and videos of the assets to be taken.
Our App is easily configurable which allows Covaris to tailor the App to suit your business needs. Covaris also provides training and support to ensure that your team is confident and familiar with the App. Covaris is also able to customise the exports from Covaris Forms to match upload templates for your EAM/CMMS of choice.
Our Experience
Covaris Forms has been used across a wide range of industries including Energy Production, Facilities, Manufacturing and Transport. It has also been used by companies with a varying range of asset management maturity.
The mobility solution used by Covaris will be configured to provide upload files to the AMIS /CMMS upload template. The provided sample screenshots show the interface of the mobility tool used for asset information data capture and validation.

Try It For Yourself

Use the QR Code to explore the demo and discover the app’s features firsthand.